Learn English from games without difficulty

Source: Speech Therapist Miss Carley

Many times we ask children to learn some English vocabulary, which may be very difficult and boring for them. In fact, parents can try to make some simple games by themselves, and learn these English words with their children through the process of playing games.

The first game is called “Cotton Cover”, which is actually somewhat similar to the poker cover game we have been playing. Parents can write some new words that children need to learn on white paper. In addition, we wrote most of the photos with a smile. How is the game played? We first need to make the paper cards even, and then distribute them equally to the players. For example, parents and children each have four cards, and then take turns to issue the top card. For example, to issue this card, you must read the word and explain it. The meaning of this word, and the use of this word to make a sentence. But if you get a laughing picture, you have to shoot it quickly. If it is the slower player, all the cards will be taken away and received by him, and the player who has no cards in his hand the fastest wins.